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Week of February 25


 Please turn in the Field trip T-shirt order forms as soon as possible. 


Book fair is this week. If you send in money will you please also send me a message through remind so that I can make sure to send students with money.


Thursday night is family math and science night from 6- 7:15. Hope to see you there!




Please PLEASE PLEASE check your child's Bee Binder every day and sign it. there are many days that I have to write a note and want to make sure you see it. I try to make sure students bring Home their work from the week on Friday's. They also bring home their math work every day. Please go over this work with them, 



What are we learning?


Reading—ask and answer questions about key details and main topic in a text IOT show what I know about a text. (RI.K.1, 2, 4) 

Science- make observations IOT describe living/ nonliving things. K. LS3.1
Phonics- identify the letter Ee and sound for short e and long e IOT decode and blend words. (K.FL.PA.2d) (K.FL.PWR.3b)
Grammar- identify proper nouns for moths and days IOT use in sentences and make real life connections. (K.FL.VA.7biii)
Sight Words- identify sight words "make" and "up" IOT read in a text. (K.FL.PWR.3C)
Writing—use a combination of writing, drawing and dictating IOT compose informative texts about a text.  (W.K.7,8)
Math—Count to 100 by ones and tens IOT count groups of 10 objects.  (K.CC.1)


***IOT means In order to









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